Speaker, Key Notes & Workshops
Joe Pavelka has conducted over 300 keynotes, conference presentations and workshops to a wide variety of organizations and topics. Joe is a seasoned professional speaker who can engage any audience. Joe speaks on:
Travel Trends:
Trends impacting the way we travel
Trends impacting the places we visit
The Art of Slow Travel
Why is Travel so Important
Is travel good or bad for the planet? The answer is yes, and it’s more important than ever!
The Top Five Ways to Ruin Tourism in Your Community
The top five mistakes’ communities make getting into tourism and how to avoid them.
Overcrowding in Tourism and Parks
A deep dive into the underlying problems plaguing parks and tourism and what can we do.
How to be a Good Tourist
No one cares if you see yourself as tourist or traveler. It’s a lighter look at the way we travel, some of its quirks and how to be a good visitor.
Reinventing Public Recreation
Public recreation is experiencing calls for radical reform. What is the potential and peril it faces?
Joe speaking at the Innovation Infusion Series VIU World Leisure Centre of Excellence
Joe offers half and full-day workshops in the following areas:
Sustainable Tourism: Designed for communities at early, mid or later stages of tourism development. It’s designed to help your organization clarify and create your own path toward sustainable tourism development.
Rethinking Public Recreation: This workshop is designed to support public recreation agencies in clarifying direction and priorities. It’s an excellent session to carry out before engaging in large-scale planning or master-planning. Get your ducks in a row before you spend thousands on your major planning process.
Designing and Delivering Travel Abroad (Field Schools) for Colleges and Universities. This workshop can go in several directions (a) what does it take to have a thriving international outbound travel study program i.e., guiding administrators and faculty in designing International study abroad programs across the institution (b) practical ways to develop and execute individual programs including key areas such as experiential learning, risk management and related travel concerns (c) workshops to assist faculty and students to maximize their travel study experience.